Pabligbagan Sang Anganggé:Angayubagia/Arsip 2021
Infobox element
[uah wit]Bli, untuk kotak info unsur bagaimana kalau kita pakai yg versi blok seperti yg di enwiki saja bli? Supaya ada perbedaan dengan Mal:Tabél périodik (navbox)? Core perubahan warnanya sih disini Mal:Periodic table (32 columns, micro)/elementcell
Chinamoonroll (pabligbagan) 4 Méi 2021 12.22 (WITA)
Cumpu Dados! Antuk parameternya ipun sane ganti nggih, tiang kurang paham. Joseagush (pabligbagan) 4 Méi 2021 12.52 (WITA)
- Yang Mal:Infobox element/element navigation belum bisa bli, gara2 1 tanda spasi....hahahaha, pusing dari tadi nge-trace nyari tanda spasi 1 Chinamoonroll (pabligbagan) 4 Méi 2021 16.24 (WITA)
- Wkwkwk, aku juga pusing, sempat coba yang juga tidak berhasil. Ya memang harus coba2, namanya belajar. Joseagush (pabligbagan) 4 Méi 2021 16.30 (WITA)
Pragat Berhasil! Joseagush (pabligbagan) 4 Méi 2021 17.02 (WITA)
- Itu kurang apa ya bli? Penasaran Hahahaha. (pabligbagan) 5 Méi 2021 07.45 (WITA)
- Yang template category {{Infobox element/symbol-to-category}} ini sepertinya. Joseagush (pabligbagan) 5 Méi 2021 07.50 (WITA)
- Itu kurang apa ya bli? Penasaran Hahahaha. (pabligbagan) 5 Méi 2021 07.45 (WITA)
BintangWiki Perintis
[uah wit]![]() |
BintangWiki Perintis | |
BintangWiki Perintis puniki kaanugerahin mawit rasa hormat ring Joseagush sané sampun ngaé kontribusi sané berharga ring Wikipédia basa Bali. Ring galah anugerah puniki, Sang anganggé puniki sampun ngarintis 1.000 suratan utawi luwih. Dumadak suratan sané sampun kasuratin dados wibaga penting anggén pangembangan Wikipédia dados énsiklopédia paling kapracayain.
Kajotang olih:
Translation request
[uah wit]Hello.
Can you translate and upload the articles en:Azerbaijanis and en:Azerbaijani language in Balinese Wikipedia? They certainly do not need to be long and detailed.
Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (pabligbagan) 13 Nopémber 2021 15.57 (WITA)
- Love to, if i already have time to do that. Thanks to stop by here in my page. Sincerely yours. Joseagush (pabligbagan) 13 Nopémber 2021 20.25 (WITA)
- Hello.
- The articles Basa Azerbaijan and Wong Azerbaijan have been created. I sent this request to you as well as to another user, because I was not sure which user is active.
- Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (pabligbagan) 14 Nopémber 2021 01.58 (WITA)
Articles deleted by WikiBayer
[uah wit]Many pages created by Disney vandals get deleted, but do you have the time or interest to possibly recreate them as better articles? Or if the deleted pages were OK, restore them and improve them? If they aren't using machine translation, then they must be copy-pasting from other articles. Therefore, the information might possibly be inaccurate, even if translated correctly. I'm concerned about Dumbo which was deleted several times, but currently exists. The best solution is to translate the article with content from English, Indonesian, or any other language (if they're correct) so that it can have enough information and be accurate. Also deleted several times was Bambi. It too deserves an article. If I remember correctly, The Lion King is another one of the many missing Disney articles. In fact there seem to be several, but if you let the IPs make them, they will likely be deleted as LTA (long term abuse). I might make some but that's if I have time. I don't always have that much time anymore, except on Holidays like Thanksgiving (where I am, it's 8:23 PM as I write this). Finally I don't want to be deleted like the other IPs have been. So, will you have time to recreate Bambi and fix up Dumbo? As well as others that don't exist or were deleted. I'm heading to bed now so good night (or morning if it's early where you are). I like peace and quiet (pabligbagan) 26 Nopémber 2021 10.24 (WITA)
- Update: now the Disney vandal has made Dumbo (pilem), which is just a duplicate of Dumbo. Further more, there is another Dumbo film (a 2019 live-action remake of the 1941 animated movie), thus making the title false. It seems like the Disney vandals are just doing this to be disruptive, despite some of the edits looking like they mean well. They only sometimes get it right, other titles they get it wrong. I figured out that Dumbo was copied from Pinocchio (pilem 1940). Therefore it will need correcting. In English and other languages, the 1941 film of Dumbo is the primary topic. The 2019 film does not have an article yet, but neither does anything else with the name. I can't tell if he means well, but is simply incompetent, or if he's just doing this to disrupt. Either way, it's annoying and I wish to do something about it. But what? I like peace and quiet (pabligbagan) 27 Nopémber 2021 05.34 (WITA)
- Please just blocked it. I will try to create it from scratch rather than maintenance it many times. Thanks for your support. Joseagush (pabligbagan) 27 Nopémber 2021 07.43 (WITA)
- Update: now the Disney vandal has made Dumbo (pilem), which is just a duplicate of Dumbo. Further more, there is another Dumbo film (a 2019 live-action remake of the 1941 animated movie), thus making the title false. It seems like the Disney vandals are just doing this to be disruptive, despite some of the edits looking like they mean well. They only sometimes get it right, other titles they get it wrong. I figured out that Dumbo was copied from Pinocchio (pilem 1940). Therefore it will need correcting. In English and other languages, the 1941 film of Dumbo is the primary topic. The 2019 film does not have an article yet, but neither does anything else with the name. I can't tell if he means well, but is simply incompetent, or if he's just doing this to disrupt. Either way, it's annoying and I wish to do something about it. But what? I like peace and quiet (pabligbagan) 27 Nopémber 2021 05.34 (WITA)
Unggahan berkas logo tim sépakbola ring Bali
[uah wit]Ampura tyang mabasa kepara bli, tyang suba maan ngeupload jak be ngae berkas, adi nu konden nyidaang nah bli? Ape gara2 gambar logo sing dadi upload bli? Lis ne niki bli:
- Putra Tresna
- Sahadéwa Galapagos
- FSK Klungkung
- Perst Tabanan
- Tunas Muda Ubud
- PS Gianyar
- Pro Kundalini
- Sportivo Buleleng
Pengelocokan (pabligbagan) 16 Désémber 2021 08.43 (WITA)
- Matur suksma sampun ngranjing miwah nguah ring Wikipedia niki. Ten napi bli, anggen basa Bali sane tingkatan napi manten titiang sampun demen, sane pinih penting mabasa Bali. Hehehe. Nggih tiang coba cingak malu napi masalahne. Gegambaran logo/poster/gambar sane madue lisensi, sane becik upload/unggah driki ten nganggen Wikimedia Commons, krana logo ten madue lisensi bebas. Tiang sampun coba nguah logo Putra Tresna Bali. Suksma. Joseagush (pabligbagan) 16 Désémber 2021 09.08 (WITA)
- Bakat keneang bli, Gamabar Putra Tresna, yén kenten genahne lakar apus napi ten bli? Ke commons gen lakuna bli, beg2 ade nak ngapus gen drika. Ampura bli, mara lakar ajak basa kepara, jeg bli ngalantur ngalusin hehehhee. Link sané bli @Joseagush: kirim pun coba tyang kene pesuné bli "Pikobet lugra Cebur nuju navigasi Cebur nuju parerehan Ragané tan kalugra unggah berkas puniki, santukan hawanan ring sor puniki:Parilaksana sané kapinta kawatesin anggén sang anganggé ring pupulan: Prajuru." Pengelocokan (pabligbagan) 16 Désémber 2021 09.19 (WITA)
- Ahh matur suksma. Nggih tiang sambilang malajah anggen basa alus niki, hehehe. Oalah ternyata kawatesin dados anggen prajuru manten. Hahaha. Oke, yening kenten tiang ngwantu upload/unggah berkas2 logo nika. Jantosin dumun. Suksma. Joseagush (pabligbagan) 16 Désémber 2021 09.30 (WITA)
- Bakat keneang bli, Gamabar Putra Tresna, yén kenten genahne lakar apus napi ten bli? Ke commons gen lakuna bli, beg2 ade nak ngapus gen drika. Ampura bli, mara lakar ajak basa kepara, jeg bli ngalantur ngalusin hehehhee. Link sané bli @Joseagush: kirim pun coba tyang kene pesuné bli "Pikobet lugra Cebur nuju navigasi Cebur nuju parerehan Ragané tan kalugra unggah berkas puniki, santukan hawanan ring sor puniki:Parilaksana sané kapinta kawatesin anggén sang anganggé ring pupulan: Prajuru." Pengelocokan (pabligbagan) 16 Désémber 2021 09.19 (WITA)
Pragat sampun kaunggah miwah kaanggen ring makejang kotak inpo. Joseagush (pabligbagan) 16 Désémber 2021 09.51 (WITA)